Section Title
Life today is dazzling and fascinating with endless possibilities and opportunities. Our time on earth is limited, so it is really a pity if we waste any fraction of this time. We operate via our...
Periods are certainly not a pleasant time for women and for some, this time of the month is downright agonizing. Many women experience painful cramps, bloating, mood swings, fatigue and overall...
When it comes to fitness and health, we’re all searching for something that is effective. Some are diehard gym enthusiasts, lifting weights and running on treadmills, others roll out their yoga mats...
Many practitioners have reported sensations of lightness and ‘floating’ after a yoga session. They report how the muscles feel limber and the body feels almost weightless. This isn’t merely an...
Hindu Mythology has infinite stories that are gripping and fascinating. One of these stories is about the ‘Samudra Manthan’, (churning the ocean to obtain the magical potion) and the feud between...
As I write this article, the world witnesses a staggering number of over 400 million devotees and believers visiting the Triveni Sangam in Prayagraj, India (the confluence of the three major rivers...
The shoulder is an amazing structure in the shape of a ball and socket. The shoulder joint enables a wide range of movements, which are possible due to the many tendons, ligaments and muscles present...
I want us all to quickly think and recall - do we ever pause during our busy day to take a deep breath? I think we all do it unconsciously to ward off tension or reset our body rhythms or after a bout...
In a world with greater connectivity online, this option is extremely easy and workable. We can eliminate commute time or the requirement of visiting authentic yoga studios, or studios in yoga’s...
Surya Namaskar Poses shake off our body’s rigidity which is natural after being in an inactive state of slumber for hours on end. We can set a positive tone for the rest of our day by adopting this...
In the Indian scriptures and ancient texts one is always urged to wake and sleep with the rising and setting Sun. This synchronizes perfectly with natures bio-rhythms, and produces equanimity and...
The science of yoga contains techniques to keep our metabolism working strongly and our body warm, even when outside conditions are cold and harsh. Among these techniques are the ‘Surya Bheda...
People across the world often feel that they cannot do Surya Namaskar because the practice is just for the young and super flexible. This is far from the truth. Yoga is for everyone and the beauty of...
When most of us yoga practitioners think about Hasta Mudras, we unconsciously think that these hand gestures are done only during yoga or meditation sessions. However, here’s a little secret about...
The metaphysical or the ‘Supernatural’ or ‘Abstract” comprehension of the universe lies beyond the physical realm. We don’t normally consider that what we see and feel has another dimension to it...
In ancient cultures, people understood that life existed due to the heat and light energy that living creatures derive from the Sun. The Sun was given due respect and was prayed to like a deity. The...
We usually associate Surya Namaskar with agility and flexibility, however, it definitely has strength training elements as well. That’s right! This ancient sequence, traditionally known for its...
‘Surya Namaskar’ and ‘Power Yoga’ are two names of yogic terminology that most people are familiar with. Combining the two, by modifying the Sun Salutation into a Power Yoga Practice, can produce many...
We humans, unfortunately are not always able to maintain complete control over the energy flow within us. If we have ever lost our temper at a subordinate or a person who works under us, it indicates...
As a yoga teacher I have been at pains to constantly emphasize that yoga is for everyone, regardless of one’s age and flexibility, strength or experience level. To actualise this, and to make yoga...
In modern times, pain is often an unwanted but constant companion for many of us. Popping pills can provide temporary respite, but medicines are never free of nasty side effects. Thousands of years...
Within the realm of yoga practice and yoga postures, Surya Namaskar is one of the simplest yet most effective modules; also the most popular. In fact when most people talk of yoga, they instantly...
In current times, mornings are just a flurry of activities to get us ready for the day ahead. With barely enough time to enjoy a satisfying breakfast, how is one expected to fit in a workout. But what...
We have all experienced that feeling of energy depletion. This could follow an illness, or a stressful period at work or in our personal life. We definitely feel a lack of energy when we are...
The secret of life is right under our nose. our breath!In yoga, the breath is believed to be that invisible thread that weaves through the different levels of our being and connects mind, body, and...
Visualise yourself standing on your yoga mat, facing the rising Sun, feeling the gentle warmth of the sun and seeing its dazzling glow as it begins its daily ascent through the horizon. At this early...
Kids are like bundles of energy and the Sun Salutation seems such a good way to channel this exuberant energy. However, how can we tailor Surya Namaskar to hold their attention? To make this ancient...
The Origin Of Surya NamaskarThe origin of the Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation dates back to the Vedic period, over 3500 years ago. Ancient civilizations, from the Greeks to the Egyptians considered...
People routinely comb through YouTube tutorials and websites to learn the Surya Namaskar Postures and that’s ok, however, the correct execution of these twelve postures and the hidden meanings...
Down the ages, many cultures have revered the sun as a symbol of divinity, life and spiritual awakening. This belief is at the core of Hinduism. Hinduism has the greatest respect for the elements of...
Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is an integral part of Yoga. If we are familiar with Yoga we surely would know about the Surya Namaskar Practice. I have been practising and teaching yoga for years...
Once we are convinced of the holistic well-being yoga provides, we will do everything it takes to eke out a space in our own home where we can get ahead with our practice. We really don’t need any...
This is a familiar scenario for many – tossing and turning, gazing at the ceiling, counting sheep, praying that sleep will come. Insomnia is a ubiquitous problem, affecting thousands of people...
Professional Online Yoga Classes in London The ‘core’, as the word indicates is the ‘foundational’ part of the body which stabilises both the upper and lower body structures. The ‘Core’ is that vital...
Online Ashtanga Yoga Classes Oh gosh! There are heavy traffic jams today, I don’t think I will make it for my Yoga Class. I’m running late at work, I definitely won’t reach my yoga class in time. Its...
Every person has faced some form of trauma in their lives. In one’s teenage years if a person was teased for being fat, well that’s a traumatic experience for the person being teased. Trauma can occur...
If we stumble or falter or hurt ourselves during our yoga practice, we must ask our teacher the reason why this occurred. Once armed with the knowledge of why this happened to us, we can now prevent...
One of the most common questions directed my way by Sydneysiders via my Online Yoga Classes in Sydney is - how to achieve blissful sleep without relying on addictive pills. Sweet Sydneysiders you are...
Aptly also called “yoga of the hands,” Mudras are hand gestures which originate from ancient Indian yogic traditions. The word ‘Mudra’ comes from the Sanskrit term meaning “seal” or “gesture.”...
It’s certainly not an untruth when we hear people say that our ancestors were far ahead of their times! Our ancestors figured out routes by reading the stars and constellations. Sushruta (800BC) was...
If I was really short on time, say for a fortnight, and I could only squeeze in one single posture everyday.. guess which posture that would be?I would not hesitate to say it would be a heart-opener...
We have over 20 muscles operating in the region of the hips. These include the adductors in the inner thighs, the abductors in the outer thighs, the hip flexor muscles which move through the pelvis...
According to Vedic tradition, the ‘Sun’ is the eternal source of heat energy and light energy necessary for life. Surya or ‘Aditya’, as the ‘Sun’ is known in the ‘Puranas’ (ancient Hindu literature)...
Today’s blog is dedicated to yoga enthusiasts in Perth. Inviting you Perthians to join ‘Yoga With Sapna’ Online Yoga Classes, brought to you all the way from yogas birthplace, India. Enrol via this...
Someone from Washington reached out with an enquiry whether yoga would address his problem of poor blood circulation which was causing numbness and tingling in his extremities. I advised him to enrol...
People worldwide struggle with the notion of understanding yoga. They think it’s about a bunch of asanas that can improve flexibility with stretching. I would say they aren’t wrong, but yoga is so...
In response to some recent queries on Online Yoga Classes from people in Perth and Washington and also queries on Yoga Mudras, I invite you to read this article and click on these relevant links...
A very large percentage of people worldwide are afflicted by Sciatica at some point in their lives. A lot of my own students have suffered from sciatica, a condition characterised by pain radiating...
We are often reprimanded that sitting hunched over our phone screens and computer screens throughout the day can be harmful for the spine and back muscles but we shouldn’t forget how detrimental this...
In modern times today it’s not uncommon to wake up feeling bloated, with an uneasy stomach from a heavy meal the night before. Don’t fall into the trap of just reaching for the bottle of antacids...
Today, an ever growing number of people are searching for a connection with their ‘true’ self or ‘deeper’ self. People are becoming more spiritually inclined and consequently there has been widespread...
Obesity seems to be a world trend. Yoga with it’s many health benefits, is proclaimed to be a preventative health practice (in modern times a curative practice as well), however our team was observing...
Whenever I observe someone hunched over their computers, or walking with their chest caving in and shoulders drooping down, I feel the urge to rush and correct their posture. Over the years I...
A recent subscriber to my Online Yoga Classes read my blog on Online Yoga Classes in London and queried me on various common yoga terms. This became the fodder for this blog. Yoga being so mainstream...
Yoga is acclaimed for it’s holistic health benefits. This ancient discipline also does wonders for our heart health.We often read worrying statistics showing heart attacks occurring at a younger and...
Our planet is unique and gorgeous through and through. Within it, there are regions which are specially awe inspiring and I would most certainly include San Francisco in this list, for it’s bounteous...
Dubai prominence is palpable in a number of areas. It’s modern futuristic skyscrapers, it’s beaches, it’s diverse culture, it’s ever increasing educational institutions, a shopping destination...
Several modern day lifestyle practices lay the groundwork for stress, burn out and mental fatigue. Scrolling on one’s phone for hours on end, working on the computer continuously, which involves...
Being a yoga teacher, I am used to being queried on various yogic topics. One of the most popular questions asked, especially by non Indians, is, whether yoga is limited to the ‘asanas’ they see...
Hello Londoners - What images are conjured up when you hear the term yoga? People often relate yoga with complicated poses and the cliched “namaste.” Yoga is most certainly much more than this. The...
Americans are surging forward in all spheres but when it comes to prioritising their overall well-being, are they doing it right? I have many friends from the States who struggle to take time off and...
Sydney is a vibrant, cosmopolitan city, bordered by the pacific ocean, with serene mountains near by, clear skies and cheerful weather. The city’s love for yoga and practice of yoga blends into these...
When I think of the Big Apple, it evokes many fond memories. My sister lived in Manhattan and many years later, my son, after completing college at Princeton University, proceeded to live in New York...
The Indian subcontinent has substantially contributed to world knowledge. India invented the number system. The concept of “Zero” was the invention of the Indian scholar Aryabhatta. “Ayurveda”, the...
I see people doing yoga across the globe. Being an avid traveler, I have been able to witness firsthand the spread and popularity of yoga and the holistic health benefits that ensue. What today seems...
Yoga is an age old tradition with its earliest mention in the Rigveda, a collection of ancient Indian scriptures dating back to approximately 1500 BCE. Within these sacred texts lie hymns and verses...
I like to think of yoga as a cosmic science cum art that connects people from different ethnicities, cultures and beliefs. Several years ago, some students attending classes at my studio asked me if I...
I have observed how people struggle with achieving a satisfactory work-life balance. Some people bring their work home, whereas others are desperately seeking moments of peace during their long day at...
The components of our diet have an impact on every aspect of our life. Our choice of food and our relationship with our food impacts our physical health and the state of our mind and thoughts. The...
How often do you travel? Irrespective of whether you are a frequent traveler or someone who travels just once or twice a year, if you consider travel an excuse for disrupting your fitness regimen...
Amidst our fast-paced lifestyle, the flurry of fad diets, intense workout regimens as well as so much diverse health and exercise related information coming at us, sculpting a sleek figure and...
Yoga is both a science and an art that has a deep, ancient history. Our ancestors had acquired a depth of spiritual knowledge that became practically non-existent with the activity and frenzy of...
People not very familiar with yoga and curious about this deep and vast arena of overall well being, have a wide range of questions on the topic and as a yoga teacher, I am happy to answer these...
Yoga: whichever style we adopt, offers similar benefits, because ‘yoga’ is essentially ‘yoga’. However the different styles emphasise different aspects of the practice. A Yoga Course Online in India...
I seem to be hearing far too often how people are plagued with insomnia. From Gurgaon’s busy corporate bees who wake up every day to live under the stress of deadlines, to students preparing for...
Imagine this: You wake up one morning, ready to conquer the day, but as soon as you reach for the alarm clock, a sharp pang of pain shoots through your arm and shoulder. Whether it’s caused by...
A person I recently met and befriended, recounted to me how she had trouble breathing ever since she was young. She said her child-body had never cooperated with her as it should. Every breath she...
We have all experienced feeling ‘low’ times, without being able to put our finger on the exact cause. These feelings can be evoked due to really small reasons like hitting a roadblock in our area of...
Have you ever woken up with a stubborn pain in your neck and shoulders, thinking maybe you slept in an awkward position? You think it will ease out as the day goes on, but the ache and discomfort...
I have observed a slow and steady increase in the positive response to Online Yoga Classes For Men. That is heartening and I would like to emphasise the benefits of yoga for men so that more and more...
Have You Ever Been Stuck in a Toss up Between Studio Classes Versus Online Yoga Classes? I taught yoga from my studio for eighteen years and then during the Covid pandemic I transitioned to Online...
In the Vedic hierarchy, there are four Vedas, the oldest texts of Hinduism - Rigveda, Samveda, Yajurveda, and Atharvaveda. The earliest recorded mention of the word “yoga” is in the ancient Indian...
In today's speedy world, where humanity is chasing success and glory, what often sadly gets neglected is our physical and mental health. From ages eight to eighty, to a lessor or larger extent, we...
Its imperative we realize that Yoga is more than its Westernized notion of a practice that encompasses just physical exercise. The science of yoga deals with holistic health. Yoga Asanas (postures)...
Yoga and yogic practices have been an integral part of our Indian culture since pre-historic times. The Rishis and Munis of the Indian sub-continent devised yoga as a methodology to strengthen mind...
Do you want to be part of an age old practice that has proved its worth time and again? Did you know that Yogic Practices in India started almost 5,000 years ago? According to the Rig Veda, Yoga and...
Iron Yoga: A Passion For Extreme Fitness. A Yoga Teacher since 2000 and two years into teaching, I got this great (and I thought unique) idea that using light dumbbells along with yoga postures would...
A Yoga Teacher since 2000 - when I was two years into teaching, I got this great (and I thought unique) idea that using light dumbbells along with yoga postures would add variety to my routines and...
Yoga Teacher Training Online Yoga, a complex practice, with thousands of years of history and the ability to transform lives, is believed to have evolved during the period of the ‘Sat Yuga’- the...
Everybody Needs a Little "me-time" to Recover From The Hectic and Monotonous Routine of Daily Life. Our bodies and mind do need a little more than the nourishment provided by food and sleep, to...
Modern Yoga Practices consist of various elements that assist or enhance the yoga workout. Some of these helpful agents are in the form of yoga props such as blocks, wedges, pillows, bolsters and...
Travelling the globe, meeting new people and absorbing varied cultures, is a joyful experience. If we are a devoted fitness buff, we surely want to juggle our workout routine with our travel plans...
Believe it or not, our chest muscles and thoracic region needs to be regularly stretched to open up and release tension and stress in the body. By hunching over computers and laptops all day, we tend...
Yoga casts its charm over us with all its flexible and tranquil poses. Especially in the beginning, during our honeymoon phase with yoga, we live in this haze of yogic enchantment. However, as it...
Thinking about adding yoga to your fitness regime? If yes, then many thoughts must be flashing through your mind regarding the style of yoga that would suit you best. Well, any style of yoga can help...
“He is the source of light in all luminous objects. He is beyond the darkness of matter and is unmanifested. He is knowledge, He is the object of knowledge, and He is the goal of knowledge. He is in...
Mudra is a Sanskrit word for gesture, symbol, or expression. A Mudra in Yoga is usually made by the positioning of our fingers and thumb. This creates certain neuronal connections, to impact the flow...
Yoga, in its journey from ancient times till the present day, has gained popularity amidst people of all walks of life. Yoga has been compared with many other physical fitness exercises in terms of...
The art of yoga is being practiced since a long time and it has earned accolades due to the health benefits that it provides. Yoga not only has healing qualities but also helps in the enhancement of...
“For those wounded by civilization, yoga is the most healing salve.” ~~T. Guillemets ‘Yoga’, the Sanskrit word, can be elucidated in many ways. Traditionally, yoga came into being as a means to bring...
As Yoga teachers, practitioners, and students we must all understand the structure of the spine. We must learn to stretch and bend it correctly as well as strengthen the muscles that support it so...
Wrist pain can prove to be a serious hindrance to our yoga practice. A wrist injury may seem to be the result of our yoga practice, but often that’s not the case. Discomfort in the wrist arises from...
Teaching yoga to beginners may sound like an easy prospect as the poses one will be teaching the students will be the most basic and simple, ones. In reality, though, this is a huge...
Yoga, can be one of the most challenging physical exercise forms. However, it is also true that it can be tempered down and transform into the most suitable exercise for every level of fitness, and...
Salamba Shirshasana or the Headstand is widely known and praised as the “King Of Yoga Asanas”. This yoga pose is intimidating for new yoga practitioners but it is basically just a balancing posture...
The power of Kundalini yoga lies in the actual experience. It connects right with our heart and extends our consciousness so we may have a wider horizon of grace and knowing the truth. Kundalini, a...
‘Adho’ means ‘downward’ ’, ‘Mukha’ means ‘Face’, and ‘Svana’ means ‘Dog’. This asana imitates and earns its name from the posture of a dog stretching after a good nap. If we observe dogs we will see...
The oldest existing body workout program Yoga, has been around for more than 5000 years, with deep mental, emotional and physical benefits. Besides mental serenity and a toned body, yoga poses work...
It is not uncommon to find our mind wandering during yoga sessions. However much our Yoga Teacher asks us to fix our gaze, there will be times when our attention will waver. Our focus and attention...
Adho Mukha Svanasana or the Downward Facing Dog Pose gets its name because the posture imitates a dog which is stretching. If one ever observes dogs, we’ll see they stretch very frequently and...
Bandhas are an indispensable part of our yoga practice. If we have been attending yoga classes, we would surely have experienced holding a bandha during an asana or pranayama and harnessing the energy...
Pranayama is a significant part of yoga and involves specific breathing techniques and exercises. The word Pranayama has been derived from two Sanskrit words, “Prana” and “Ayama”, where “Prana” means...
When we think “Yoga”, what usually comes to mind is physical postures or asanas. Usually, yoga is recognized as merely a physical practice that involves stretches. However, this is just a glimpse of...
“Our essential nature is boundless consciousness. We are rooted in it when the mind focuses and settles.” Our minds have the tendency to remain occupied with the numerous thoughts and problems which...
Whether we are a seasoned yoga practitioner or an amateur, we all know that breath control is an essential part of yoga. In fact, being aware of the breath and harmonizing it, is what sets yoga apart...
You are new to yoga and you hear your yoga teacher instructing the class, using words that you might have heard but do not understand. You are confused and unable to concentrate on your asanas. You...
“Prayatna shaitilya ananta samapattibhyam” This means- “By relaxation of effort while in the posture, one merges with the infinite.” In all yoga postures having a strong and steady back is...
Our core is a complex array of muscles that extends beyond the abs. When we mention the word “core”, usually we think of our abdomen. That’s the common perception. Though the key muscles of the core...
The practice of Yoga is both an art and a practical science. It teaches us to use breath and body to establish a connection between our mind, body and spirit. Yoga helps us expand our awareness and...
We all have days when we feel drained and just cannot get out of bed and other days when we feel emotional for no apparent reason. Ever wondered from where this flow of energy comes from? The answer...
Sleep disorders are a common occurrence with people everywhere today. There could be a number of reasons for this like stress or work overload because of which we are continuously looking into our...
It is an established fact that there is a direct relationship between an unhealthy diet and poor physical health. Medical conditions like obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure are manifestations...
Yoga is more than just the physical practice. The more I stay with my yoga practice, the more amazed I am at how many life lessons I keep learning here, right on my yoga mat. We all should be a...
Our immune system is our body’s natural defense mechanism that fights against health hazards. This means that it is a very crucial aspect of our being that is constantly performing the important work...
During my 17 odd years as a yoga teacher, I have seen people taking up yoga for a multitude of reasons. It can be therapeutic reasons, strengthening, toning , gaining flexibility, stress relief, and...
Take a moment to dwell on the two life scenarios below: Scenario 1 When visiting a new city during a vacation, recall how we try to notice everything new and exciting about that place. Furthermore...
From the time you wake up till the moment you close your weary eyes at night, all that you have been is “busy”. You love yoga and perhaps before you had a job, or other commitments you practiced it...
We have deadlines to meet, a difficult boss to deal with, competition from peers, expectations from family members, and sometimes, broken relationships. It does not come as a surprise that stress...
It is natural to start feeling more flexible and confident after practicing yoga for a few weeks. When this happens, students, in their home practice, often push themselves harder, taxing their...
A vast number of people do not truly identify with yoga or Ayurveda, calling them ancient and useful only for the lifestyle of past eras. However, people do believe their fitness trainers, when they...
Time and again yogi sages have explained to us that "Personality" is false. Personality is like an outer shell that we wear and is formed based on our personal life experiences, the circumstances...
Imagine, never landing up in an altercation. Imagine yourself always walking and sleeping with a calm, radiant face. Imagine everything around you running and working like a well-oiled machine...
What Does Meditation Mean To Us? When we think of meditation, it conjures up images of ourselves sitting in "Padmasana" (Lotus pose) or cross-legged with our eyes closed, the thought-flow of the mind...
Practicing Yoga without complementing it with a balanced diet, while aiming to lose weight, is fighting a lost battle. However, addressing both aspects, yoga and exercise along with sensible eating...