Down the ages, many cultures have revered the sun as a symbol of divinity, life and spiritual awakening. This belief is at the core of Hinduism. Hinduism has the greatest respect for the elements of nature. Hinduism was never propagated as a religion, instead as a ‘way of life’.
The lessons imparted in Hinduism emanate from the deep knowledge of the scriptures the Vedas and the Upanishads which have talked about various truths, even before these facts were discovered by science. When people believed the Earth was flat, our scholarly ancestors knew the earth was round and had knowledge of our solar system and the Sun, which they called Surya.
The sun was considered the spiritual and physical centre of our world and the source of all life. Yogis Practised Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation facing the rising Sun, with a mantra in praise of the Sun, chanted with each posture. In this way yogis paid their respect to the supreme creator in order to awaken one’s spiritual self.
Let’s Get an Overview of the Spiritual Benefits of Practicing This Dynamic Exercise
Healing Effect – Since time immemorial yogis have practised Surya Namaskar facing the rising Sun, to receive the healing energy of the sun. The early morning sun rays are believed to be extremely therapeutic.
Spiritual Energy – These days people practice the Sun Salutation at any time of day, however traditionally one was taught to do it at dawn, facing the rising Sun. At this time the atmosphere is believed to be charged with strong, spiritually uplifting vibrations. When one is awake at this hour and exercising, one is able to receive and benefit from these positive vibrations.
Connecting with Prana – One of the spiritual benefits of Sun salutation is its emphasis on Prana or life energy or life force. Every movement and breath in the sequence of 12 asanas is designed to awaken and channel this energy through the different chakras in our body.
Practitioners are taught to coordinate movements with correct breathing, while being aware of ingesting prana, leading to an increased sense of vitality which can clear energy blockages, and enhance overall well-being.
Better Mindfulness – Performing the Surya Namaskar requires focus. The rhythmic flow of the Sun Salutation requires concentration, which draws the mind away from distractions and into the present moment.
This practice of mindfulness extends beyond the mat and encourages a more conscious and self-aware way of interacting during ones daily activities.
Invoking Inner Strength – Once familiar with the Sun Salutation, one can begin to focus on doing this practice with many variations built in. We can also begin to challenge ourselves to do more and more rounds of this dynamic exercise, making it a strong workout. Finally we can attempt the ‘100 Surya Namaskar‘ Class, which is an exhilarating experience. Once successful at this, one can resolve to do the 100 Surya Namaskar Class periodically, say once every month. Besides strengthening our muscles and bringing flexibility to our joints, it will help build perseverance, and inner strength.
Want help with Surya Namaskar for Beginners or want to do the more advanced variations of Sun Salutation? Enrol for a yoga session at Yoga with Sapna today!