Surya Namaskar: Tips for Beginners

In the Indian scriptures and ancient texts one is always urged to wake and sleep with the rising and setting Sun. This synchronizes perfectly with natures bio-rhythms, and produces equanimity and balance within us.

Let’s ponder and reflect on what we are doing in those early hours when the Sun begins to peep in and shower its heavenly rays on mother Earth.

Are we curled up in bed because we didn’t sleep early?

I urge us all to be awake and ready to absorb the spiritual atmosphere of these hours, and witness that golden hue spreading across the sky. In this inspiring setting, we should do the sun salutation, facing the rising Sun.

The ancient practice of Surya Namaskar Yoga isn’t only focussed on exercise it’s also a means to align our mind, body, and breath into a state of connectedness and balance.

Starting something new can feel a bit daunting. So, here are some beginner-friendly tips to help us ease into this exercise-form and make Sun Salutation an meaningful part of our routine.

1 – Get to Know the Sequence

Before we start, we need to get familiar with the basics. So, Surya Namaskar is a series of 12 poses that flow seamlessly into one another. Every pose has its unique benefit. We should know how to execute each posture and what that posture can help us achieve. From improving flexibility to solving digestive ailments, Surya Namaskar works on many areas.

The Sun Salutation also impacts our breathing, health of our lungs and heart. Every stretch and bend is accompanied with a deep inhale or exhale. We need to take our time to learn the sequence and accompanying breathing pattern.

2 – Start Slow and Steady

If one is a beginner, there’s no need to aim for multiple rounds on our first day, which might exhaust our muscles. Instead, we can start with three or four rounds, perform them very slowly with focus on getting the postures right. Once we feel confident, we can gradually increase the number of rounds because the key, especially as beginners, should be consistency, not speed or quantity.

3 – Warm-Up is Non-Negotiable

Before diving straight into Surya Namaskar, we need to spend just a few minutes warming up our body. Simple joint movements is a great warm up, which helps prevent injuries and makes the performance of the Sun Salutation feel smoother and easier to execute.

4 – Don’t Push Beyond Our Comfort Zone

It’s easy to get carried away trying to touch our toes or perfect that backbend instead we must listen to our body. Yoga is about balance, not just in poses but also in our approach. If something feels too intense, ease up. Better to be safe than strain some muscle group. Over time, our flexibility and strength will keep improving.

5 – Keep Our Breath in Sync

Due to unfamiliarity with the sequence, beginners often get flustered and make the mistake of holding their breath or breathing randomly. Each pose in Surya Namaskar is paired with either an inhale or an exhale. To keep our attention on this rhythm, we should move with awareness as we transition from posture to posture. If we lose track, we should not stress because we can just reset and continue.

Why Surya Namaskar is Worth It.

Surya Namaskar is a fantastic, scientifically worked out exercise routine, wherein the spine is stimulated and strengthened with the strong forward and backward bends. The deep breathing flushes and cleanses the lungs thoroughly. It also helps us start our day with a dose of mindfulness. The many mental, physical as well as spiritual benefits keep unfolding as we stay regular with the practice and we begin to experience that feeling of aligning our physical energy with the cosmic universe.

To Learn Surya Namaskar for Beginners, Reach out to Sapna today, via her website Yoga with Sapna.

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