ashtanga yoga online

Yoga – Truly a Transformative Practice For Mind, Body and Soul

In today’s speedy world, where humanity is chasing success and glory,  what often sadly gets neglected is our physical and mental health. From ages eight to eighty, to a lessor or larger extent, we all fall into the trap of unhealthy lifestyle choices such as insufficient sleep, not sleeping at the correct time, eating excessive […]

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online yoga live classes

Yoga and Chakras: Balancing Energy Centers through Asanas and Meditation

Its imperative we realize that Yoga is more than its Westernized notion of a practice that encompasses  just physical exercise. The science of yoga deals with holistic health. Yoga Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breathing) Dhyana (meditation) Kriyas (clensing techniques) Yoga Nidra (guided relaxation) Chakra Awareness (harmonizing energy centers) mantras (sound energy and chanting) etc aim to

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Seated straddle pose

Yoga Teacher Training in India- 3 Things to Consider Before Starting

Yoga Teacher Training Online Yoga, a complex practice, with thousands of years of history and the ability to transform lives, is believed to have evolved during the period of the ‘Sat Yuga’– the Golden age. The art of yoga, born in India, a land where yoga and meditation were developed and practiced, was propounded by

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