personal yoga classes online

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) Demystified

‘Adho’ means ‘downward’ ’, ‘Mukha’ means ‘Face’, and ‘Svana’ means ‘Dog’. This asana imitates and earns its name from the posture of a dog stretching after a good nap. If we observe dogs we will see that they do this stretch several times in a day – they instinctively keep their limbs wonderfully stretched and […]

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online yoga classes for beginners

Improve Joint and Skeletal Structure With Yoga

The oldest existing body workout program Yoga, has been around for more than 5000 years, with deep mental, emotional and physical benefits. Besides mental serenity and a toned body, yoga poses work their way underneath the muscles promoting healthy joint function and a stable skeletal structure. These postures, while strengthening the muscles and bones, stimulate

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yoga downward dog pose

Downward Facing Dog: Exploration, Anatomy, and Alignment

  Adho Mukha Svanasana or the Downward Facing Dog Pose gets its name because the posture imitates a dog which is stretching. If one ever observes dogs, we’ll see they stretch very frequently and that stretching position is precisely the “Adho Mukha Svanasana” This yoga pose is one of the most basic and well-known among

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Online Yoga Live Classes

The Importance of Pranayama in Yoga Practice

Pranayama is a significant part of yoga and involves specific breathing techniques and exercises. The word Pranayama has been derived from two Sanskrit words, “Prana” and “Ayama”, where “Prana” means “life force” or “life energy” and “Ayama” means “control of”. So then, the term Pranayama communicates to us control and expansion of prana. Pranayama is the

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