Surya Namaskar's steps online

Online V/S Offline: Best Way to learn Surya Namaskar

In a world with greater connectivity online, this option is extremely easy and workable. We can eliminate commute time or the requirement of visiting authentic yoga studios, or studios in yoga’s birthplace, India, because these can now come to you virtually. Needless to say, both options have their merits but I feel we should be

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Surya Namaskar step-by-step

Winter Wellness: How Surya Namaskar Can Keep One Energized

The science of yoga contains techniques to keep our metabolism working strongly and our body warm, even when outside conditions are cold and harsh. Among these techniques are the ‘Surya Bheda Pranayama’ “Bhastrika Pranayama’ ‘Agnisaar Kriya’ and the most effective of all, the ’Sun Salutaion Exercise. Read on to see how the Surya Namaskar Step-by-Step

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Hasta Mudras

Hasta Mudras in Daily Life: Practical Applications Beyond Yoga

When most of us yoga practitioners think about Hasta Mudras, we unconsciously think that these hand gestures are done only during yoga or meditation sessions. However, here’s a little secret about Hasta Mudras They don’t just belong on the yoga mat. Hasta Mudras, which date back thousands of years, are powerful tools anyone can use

Hasta Mudras in Daily Life: Practical Applications Beyond Yoga Read More »

Sun Salutation poses

Surya Namaskar: The Connection Between Yoga and Astrology

The metaphysical or the ‘Supernatural’ or ‘Abstract” comprehension of the universe lies beyond the physical realm. We don’t normally consider that what we see and feel has another dimension to it. Vedic astrology is the science that studies this dimension with the help of planets and stars. In astrology, the Sun is the celestial body

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