Yoga lifestyle

Yoga Classes at Home

Exploring Different Yoga Styles: Which One Is Right for You?

Yoga: whichever style we adopt, offers similar benefits, because ‘yoga’ is essentially ‘yoga’. However the different styles emphasise different aspects of the practice. A Yoga Course Online in India is a great way to get going and become a regular practitioner. I would like to talk about some of the most popular yoga styles so

Exploring Different Yoga Styles: Which One Is Right for You? Read More »

Online yoga classes

Yoga and Sleep: Exploring The Role of Yoga in Improving Sleep Quality

I seem to be hearing far too often how people are plagued with insomnia. From Gurgaon’s busy corporate bees who wake up every day to live under the stress of deadlines, to students preparing for competitive tests; to the elderly, who are ailing or lonely or not getting a decent amount of exercise; falling asleep

Yoga and Sleep: Exploring The Role of Yoga in Improving Sleep Quality Read More »

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