Yoga lifestyle

Online Yoga Classes in Sydney

Global access to Online Yoga from its birthplace, India

The Indian subcontinent has substantially contributed to world knowledge. India invented the number system. The concept of “Zero” was the invention of the Indian scholar Aryabhatta. “Ayurveda”, the oldest healthcare system known to mankind, came from India. Indians made giant contributions in the fields of trigonometry, algebra, arithmetic, astronomy, philosophy. Among these  is also the […]

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Online Yoga Virtual Classes

Yoga For Busy Professionals: Finding Balance in a Hectic World

I have observed how people struggle with achieving a satisfactory work-life balance. Some people bring their work home, whereas others are desperately seeking moments of peace during their long day at work. Friends working in Delhi’s bustling corporate landscape,  have compared finding balance to chasing a mirage in the desert. Peace seems to have become

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Yoga Classes at Home

Yoga For Weight Management: Building a Healthy Relationship With Your Body

Amidst our fast-paced lifestyle, the flurry of fad diets, intense workout regimens as well as so much diverse health and exercise related information coming at us, sculpting a sleek figure and retaining a healthy body has become more confusing than challenging. Often obese people talk about body positivity while they struggle to sit, stand, or

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Yoga and The Chakras

Yoga and The Chakras: Understanding Our Energy Centers

Yoga is both a science and an art that has a deep, ancient history. Our ancestors had acquired a depth of spiritual knowledge that  became practically non-existent with the activity and frenzy of industrialization and the after years of material and gadgetry development. In present days, after having reached a level of comfort, humans are

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