Hasta Mudras

Hasta Mudras in Daily Life: Practical Applications Beyond Yoga

When most of us yoga practitioners think about Hasta Mudras, we unconsciously think that these hand gestures are done only during yoga or meditation sessions. However, here’s a little secret about Hasta Mudras They don’t just belong on the yoga mat. Hasta Mudras, which date back thousands of years, are powerful tools anyone can use

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Sun Salutation poses

Surya Namaskar: The Connection Between Yoga and Astrology

The metaphysical or the ‘Supernatural’ or ‘Abstract” comprehension of the universe lies beyond the physical realm. We don’t normally consider that what we see and feel has another dimension to it. Vedic astrology is the science that studies this dimension with the help of planets and stars. In astrology, the Sun is the celestial body

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Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar as a Tool for Strength Training

We usually associate Surya Namaskar with agility and flexibility, however, it definitely has strength training elements as well. That’s right! This ancient sequence, traditionally known for its spiritual benefits, can also help people build overall body strength. Surya Namaskar’s Benefits extend beyond flexibility the asanas in the sequence can help tone muscles, improve endurance, and

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Surya Namaskar And Power Yoga – A Dynamic Combination

‘Surya Namaskar’ and ‘Power Yoga’ are two names of yogic terminology that most people are familiar with. Combining the two, by modifying the Sun Salutation into a Power Yoga Practice, can produce many beneficial results. These benefits extend beyond just weight loss. I have designed several such flows in my class, combining the Sun Salutation

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Hasta Mudras for Pain Relief: Natural Remedies for Common Ailments

In modern times, pain is often an unwanted but constant companion for many of us. Popping pills can provide temporary respite, but medicines are never free of nasty side effects. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors in India had found natural and more sustainable methods for getting relief. As a yoga teacher and a person

Hasta Mudras for Pain Relief: Natural Remedies for Common Ailments Read More »

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