About Sapna

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I have been teaching yoga since 2001. I started my own Yoga Studio in Gurugram (India) after my younger child began school. Studio.

I’m deeply immersed in yoga. My students range widely in age, skill level, and profession. Testimonials.

My husband is a navy Captain in the mercantile marine. We are the proud parents of two young adult children, both of whom are in the U.S.

My childhood was filled with sporting pursuits – Himalayan treks, horse-riding, extreme bicycling, and competitive running.

I grew up in a happy home, with loving, supportive parents. I was blessed to have a great start in life.

A passionate animal lover, I have always been surrounded by dogs, cats, horses, and many other animals.

During and after college I worked as a model, appearing in print and TV commercials and live ramp shows.

My inner steadiness and love of athletics drew me into a serious study of yoga. As I gained insight and skills, teaching yoga became my life’s work.

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My aim is to be practicing and teaching Yoga till the end of my life. Gallery.

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