Winter Wellness: How Surya Namaskar Can Keep One Energized

The science of yoga contains techniques to keep our metabolism working strongly and our body warm, even when outside conditions are cold and harsh. Among these techniques are the ‘Surya Bheda Pranayama’ “Bhastrika Pranayama’ ‘Agnisaar Kriya’ and the most effective of all, the ’Sun Salutaion Exercise.

Read on to see how the Surya Namaskar Step-by-Step sequence can be our ‘go-to’ for winter wellness, so that we can continue to feel upbeat and revitalized, even when the temperatures drop.

Why is Surya Namaskar Recommended for Winter?

The cold of winter slows down all bodily processes including the functioning of the nerves. The cold makes it harder for the muscles to contract, function and generate power. So the cold makes us sluggish both physically and mentally. Our bodies crave warmth, and sometimes just getting out of bed on a chilly morning is a great feat.

This is where Surya Namaskar can be of immense benefit. It is the perfect sequence to perform at the stat of the day gently warming up our body as we begin with slower sequences. Then as we continue at a faster pace or with more challenging variations of the Sun Salutation, our entire body is stretched, warmed and energized.

Improved Circulation: The fluid movements of Surya Namaskar, where we keep transitioning from one posture to the next, gets our blood flowing strongly, which is especially crucial in winter when we tend to move less, causing our blood flow to slow down. Doing Surya Namaskar in winter will boost blood circulation, and help to keep our muscles and joints warm and limber.

More Energy Levels: The sequence of Surya Namaskar stimulates our nerve connections and deeper within our energy centres. This causes the energy to flow unimpeded through our body, making the Sun Salutation an ideal morning routine. Instead of reaching for that extra cup of coffee, a few rounds of Surya Namaskar can be a brilliant way to offer a natural energy boost.

Improved Mental Clarity: Winter can leave the mind feeling foggy, but the breathwork involved in Surya Namaskar clears the mind, flushes the lungs of stale air, fills our lungs, our brain and our being with life giving oxygen and ‘panic energy’, thereby improving focus. It’s a great way to reset our mind, especially when the winter blues are creeping in.

How to Incorporate Surya Namaskar into Our Winter Routine

One doesn’t need a Full One Hour Yoga Class to feel the Benefits of Surya Namaskar. Even 15 to 20 minutes each morning can make a big difference.

Morning Energizer: Start our day with 3 to 7 rounds of Surya Namaskar to awaken our body and set a positive tone for the day. The movements will warm up our muscles, and the deep breathing will calm our mind.

Midday Boost: Do we feel that afternoon dip in energy levels? Have a ten to fifteen minute power nap, then flow through a few rounds of Sun Salutation again to recharge and regain our focus. We can add some variations this time to challenge ourselves.

Evening Wind-Down: Surya Namaskar can also be a great way to release tension and relax before bed, helping us sleep more soundly. Here we need to do the Sun Salutation in slow motion, making the movements deliberate, with focus on deep ‘Ujjayi breathing’ This stretches the muscles, getting them ready for the deep relaxation of sleep. Conversely we could do the ‘Moon Salutation’ right before bed; but a slow performance of Surya Namaskar would work very well too.

Winter doesn’t have to leave us feeling drained. Conscious training and conscious living can change our way of life. We can incorporate Surya Namaskar into our daily routine to feel energized and warm from the inside out. So, why not give it a try? Start doing Sun salutation poses with the Online Yoga Videos offered on my website – ‘Yoga with Sapna’, and let our body and mind revel in this newfound way of health.

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