The Role of Breath in Surya Namaskar

The secret of life is right under our nose…. our breath!
In yoga, the breath is believed to be that invisible thread that weaves through the different levels of our being and connects mind, body, and spirit.

Breathing is the most integral part of the Sun Salutation. It accompanies every posture and helps us strengthen and stabilise our respiratory system.

In the Surya Namaskar we are moving continuously between back bending and forward bending. We inhale deeply as we expand our chest in backbends and then we drain the lungs of waste air as we exhale with every forward bend. This fluid continuous dance with deep inhales and exhales, flushes and cleanses our lungs.

Understanding the Connection Between Breath and Movement

In this dynamic sequence of 12 plus 12 postures, there is a natural flow created by the breath which links the movements. One posture flows into the next as we seem to ride on the breath. We are continuously inhaling and exhaling deeply, synchronising the breath correctly with the body movements we naturally inhale as the body opens and expands in backbends and we naturally exhale the breath out as we flop into forward folds.

When we inhale, lift our arms up and arch back in a backbend we are creating space and drawing in oxygen and pranic energy. Then as we exhale into a forward bend, we surrender and release tension and expel carbon dioxide and stale gases collected within. This synchronicity between breath and movement allows us to enter a calm meditative state, quieting the mind while energizing the body.

Controlling Breath for Stability and Alignment

Breathwork is more than mere fuel for our practice it is also a tool for stability and alignment. When we get familiar with correct breathing accompanying our Sun Salutation Poses, we are able to maintain balance in the postures as well as transition from pose to pose maintaining that balance with ease and grace.

As we focus on the breath, it guides our movements and grounds us in the present moment, reducing the risk of injury and allowing us to perform the postures with correct alignment.
When we consciously use breath, we are able to engage our core and work through a strong core. With mindful awareness of breath and movement, we can keep improving our strength, flexibility, stability and alignment and make our practice more rewarding.

Breathwork during Surya Namaskar for Soothing Our Nerves

Our breath is directly linked to our nervous system. In Surya Namaskar, deep, slow breaths can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which induces the relaxation response, reducing stress. With controlled breathing, we also promote oxygenation in our blood, eradicate toxins.

During the Surya Namaskar, when we focus on diaphragmatic breathing (where we breathe deeply from our belly, instead of shallowly from our chest), we can stimulate the vagus nerve spread in the abdomen, which promotes a state of calm in our body. To sum it up, with conscious breathing, we can reduce anxiety, lower blood pressure, and improve our overall well-being.

Enhancing the Flow of Prana

When we understand that every inhaled breath carries into our body not just oxygen but ‘pranic energy’ or ‘life force’ as well, then Surya Namaskar acts as the vehicle for prana, to move throughout our body, releasing blockages. When our breath is deep and rhythmic, prana flows more freely, so every cell in our body feels healthier and lighter, and we feel energized with life force.

Want to reap the Benefits of Surya Namaskar or understand breath control accompanying Surya Namaskar? Do start your practice with me at Yoga with Sapna right away.

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