Why Sun Salutations Are The Ultimate Morning Ritual

Surya Namaskar Poses shake off our body’s rigidity which is natural after being in an inactive state of slumber for hours on end.

We can set a positive tone for the rest of our day by adopting this healthful habit. Surya Namaskar’s Benefits are something that I swear by, not just as a yoga teacher, but as someone who has felt the transformative power of this simple yet profound morning ritual.

If you do have second thoughts about why Sun Salutations are the perfect way to greet the day, allow me to convince you. Read on.

What are Sun Salutations

Surya Namaskar or The Sun Salutation is a sequence of 12 yoga poses that are performed in a flowing cycle to align our mind, body, and breath while expressing gratitude to the Sun, our ultimate source of energy. This sequence can be repeated as many times as we want, to suit our age and fitness level. An encouraging aspect about the Sun Salutation sequence is that whether one is a seasoned yogi or a newbie on the yoga path, it is incredibly accessible and can be modified to suit our comfort level.

  1. It Wakes One Up- The Right Way
    Avoid hitting snooze or chugging caffeine first thing in the morning. A few rounds of Sun Salutations will invigorate our entire system. Each movement stretches and strengthens our muscles, while the rhythmic breathing works the lungs: cleanses and strengthens them, giving us a feeling of vitality. After completing some rounds of the ‘Surya Namaskar’ one can’t help but feel wide awake, limber in the body, with energy pulsating through the length and breath of our being charged and fully ready to take on anything the day ahead has to offer.
  2. It Clears The Mind
    Mornings can feel chaotic there’s so much to think about and plan. But trust me, spending even 10 minutes in this moving meditation will calm our mind. The focus on our breath and body helps us center ourself, so we step into the day with clarity and confidence.
  3. It Helps With ‘Crushed-Arms-Syndrome’
    OK – haha – I made up this term. In my experience, a large amount of people unconsciously sleep on one arm at night or place it at awkward angles, causing a feeling of heaviness and lifelessness in the arms on waking. The stretching as well as weight bearing on the arms in the Sun Salutation, is a wonderful gift of freedom and lightness that the arms experience.
  4. It Helps Ease Tension From The Hips
    Our hips need a good amount of regular hip opening stretches to prevent them from stiffening. The Sun Salutations give them a fair workout, getting them lubricated and not allowing them to get rusty.
  5. It’s a Full-Body Workout
    Sun Salutations are so well designed – they engage every major muscle group in our body. From forward folds that massage vital organs and loosen tight hamstrings to planks and low push-ups that build core strength, to backbends that keep up the strength of vital back muscles that support our long spine; this sequence is definitely scientific.
  6. It Improves Flexibility
    The stretching improves flexibility over time. Without a regular stretching routine, our muscles get tighter and therefore shorter over time. Then our skeletal structure is held together with a tight musculature, compromising our entire posture and the health of our joints. So, I can’t emphasise enough the benefit of regular stretching that our Sun Salutation routine gives us.
  7. It Lifts Our Mood
    The human body was designed to move in every which way. Movement makes us feel good. It causes those wonderful endorphins to kick in, which lifts our spirits and keeps us upbeat.
  8. It Brings Us In Touch With Our Spiritual Self
    If we train ourself to do this routine facing the rising Sun, we are getting the benefit of the spiritual atmosphere prevalent in these early morning hours. The rays of the rising Sun are extremely therapeutic. Besides, it gives us a chance to acknowledge the Sun, the giver of heat and light energy; in fact, the giver of life. If we start our day with a prayer to this mighty Celestial body, we are awakening our spiritual self, aligning our awareness with our true self within, every single morning.

So, I hope you are convinced to start Surya Namaskar for all the Sun Salutation Benefits. Contact Yoga with Sapna right away.

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