Surya Namaskar for Busy Folks: Quick Morning Routine

In current times, mornings are just a flurry of activities to get us ready for the day ahead. With barely enough time to enjoy a satisfying breakfast, how is one expected to fit in a workout.

But what if I told you that there is an effective exercise routine you can get done in just 10 minutes to start your day on a great note – a regimen that energizes you for the entire day?

I’m sure that’s caught your attention. As a yoga teacher, I have this one recommendation, very effective for busy people like you – It’s the ‘Sun Salutation’ or ‘Surya Namaskar’. Here is a breakdown of the twelve postures of this exercise routine for beginners.

Start in Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Stand tall, feet few inches apart, pressing our palms together at our chest, while letting out a long, releasing, exhaling breath. This helps one set the tone for the day – staying calm under pressure or finding focus amidst the varied challenges in one’s work day.

Move Into Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

Inhaling deeply we raise our arms overhead and arch back, keeping head and arms together. We stretch our body from our toes to our fingertips, expanding our chest and lungs fully. This helps us breathe freer and deeper.

Fold Forward Into Hasta Padasana (Standing Forward Bend)

While exhaling, we bend forward and let our hands touch the ground on either side of the feet. If needed we can bend our knees slightly. We should allow the upper body muscles to relax and release towards the floor. This helps ease all the tension in one’s back, neck and head.

Step Back To Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Low Lunge)

Step the left leg far back into a low lunge while inhaling. The left knee, shin and top of the foot should be pressed into the mat. The hands or fingertips remain on either side of the front foot, the right foot. This posture stretches our hips and helps shake off the stiffness from long periods of sleeping.

Transition To Santolanasana (Plank Pose)

Exhaling we step our right foot back to meet our left, coming into the straight sloping plank position. The shoulders remain directly over the wrists. This pose makes our arms, shoulders and core stronger.

Lower Down in Ashtanga Namaskara (Eight-Limbed Pose)

We lower our knees, chest and chin (in that order) to the floor while keeping our hips raised. Elbows remain tucked into the body. This pose strongly engages our arm, shoulder and chest muscles.

Lift Into Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Inhaling we lengthen our body forward along the floor and lift our chest into Cobra Pose, stretching our spine, arching it back and opening our heart. This movement helps engage and strengthen back muscles.

Press Back Into Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog)

Exhaling we and lift our hips, press into the mat with our hands and push into this forward bend, the Downward Dog, forming an inverted V-shape with our body.

Step Forward Into Ashwa Sanchalasana (Low Lunge)

Inhaling we step our left foot forward between the hands, getting it there in one large step. If one step is not possible, get the foot forward in two steps, remembering to press the shin and top of the foot firmly into the mat. This returns us back into the low lunge, again working as an effective leg and hip opener.

Fold Back Into Hasta Padasana (Standing Forward Bend)

Exhaling we step our right foot forward, folding into a forward bend again. We allow our body to relax, feeling the stretch in the entire back of the body.

Lift Up into Hasta Uttanasana (Raised Arms Pose)

Inhaling we stand up, stretching our arms forward and circling them overhead; then bending back one more time with arms on either side of our head. This movement stimulates our spine and back muscles thoroughly.

End In Pranamasana

Exhaling we straighten up, bringing our hands in prayer position, back to our chest; standing balanced and tall.

So, there you go! You have the Sun Salutation Step by Step guide to help you get familiar with this exercise routine which works all the major muscles of the body in a very thorough way.

For more tips and suggestions about yoga, do enrol in my online classes at ‘Yoga With Sapna’ 

See you on the mat!

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