Online V/S Offline: Best Way to learn Surya Namaskar

In a world with greater connectivity online, this option is extremely easy and workable.

We can eliminate commute time or the requirement of visiting authentic yoga studios, or studios in yoga’s birthplace, India, because these can now come to you virtually.

Needless to say, both options have their merits but I feel we should be clever, save time and take advantage of technology.

There are several benefits of choosing Online Yoga. Here are some for us to ponder over.


Life is busy, and not everyone can make it to a studio. Online Yoga let’s us practice at our own convenience, whether it’s early in the morning or late at night.

Good For All Weather

In snowy places, it’s a chore to reach one’s yoga studio. In the rain, again it’s difficult to step out. Traffic gets us tense and delayed. Online Classes have no such restrictions.

Options For Level Of Expertise

The internet offers countless yoga tutorials, guided Sun Salutation flows, and live-streamed classes. We can choose beginner-friendly lessons or dive into advanced techniques. These are all available at our fingertips.


Studio memberships can be pricey. ‘Online Yoga’ costs less, making it accessible to a wider audience.

Practice Anywhere

Whether one is traveling, at home, or outdoors, ‘Online Yoga’ gives us the freedom to practice wherever we want. All we need is a device and a yoga mat.

Practice In Privacy

I personally know many people who shy away from practicing in a group. They prefer to make their mistakes in peace, learn at their own pace, without being observed by a large audience.

Recorded Classes

Recorded Online Classes are a great boon as a learning aid. We have the option of doing the class in real time, or then observing the class first to get familiar and then doing the class on one’s own. We also have the option of revision, which means, viewing the recording once again after doing the class, thereby reinforcing important steps and concepts.

Final Thoughts

When the opportunity arises, we should dive into a yoga studio, or attend a yoga course or take a yogic trip, to increase our depth of yogic knowledge but to maintain lifelong consistency in one’s yoga practice, hang on to those steady Online routines, which will be with us wherever we go.

For those of you who are looking for – Surya Namaskar’s Steps Online do visit my website – Yoga with Sapna.

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Sun Salutation Yoga, Surya Namaskar Yoga, Surya Namaskar for Beginners, Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskar Steps, Surya Namaskar Poses, Sun Salutation Poses, Surya Namaskar Step by Step, Sun Salutation Steps, Sun Salutation Benefits, Surya Namaskar Benefits, Surya Namaskar for Beginners Online, Surya Namaskar Yoga Online, Sun Salutation Online, Surya Namaskar Steps Online, Online Surya Namaskar Poses, Surya Namaskar Poses Online, Surya Namaskar Benefits Online, Online Sun Salutation Benefits, Online Surya Namaskar Yoga, Online Sun Salutation Yoga.

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