Author name: Sapna Sondhi Dutt

Founder & Yoga Teacher @ YogaWithSapna Studio (Gurgaon, India)

Surya Namaskar And Power Yoga – A Dynamic Combination

‘Surya Namaskar’ and ‘Power Yoga’ are two names of yogic terminology that most people are familiar with. Combining the two, by modifying the Sun Salutation into a Power Yoga Practice, can produce many beneficial results. These benefits extend beyond just weight loss. I have designed several such flows in my class, combining the Sun Salutation […]

Surya Namaskar And Power Yoga – A Dynamic Combination Read More »

Hasta Mudras for Pain Relief: Natural Remedies for Common Ailments

In modern times, pain is often an unwanted but constant companion for many of us. Popping pills can provide temporary respite, but medicines are never free of nasty side effects. Thousands of years ago, our ancestors in India had found natural and more sustainable methods for getting relief. As a yoga teacher and a person

Hasta Mudras for Pain Relief: Natural Remedies for Common Ailments Read More »

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