Surya Namaskar: The Connection Between Yoga and Astrology

The metaphysical or the ‘Supernatural’ or ‘Abstract” comprehension of the universe lies beyond the physical realm.

We don’t normally consider that what we see and feel has another dimension to it. Vedic astrology is the science that studies this dimension with the help of planets and stars.

In astrology, the Sun is the celestial body that rules our life it is the star around which our planet Earth revolves. The Sun impacts our soul, our sense of self, our physical strength, and our leadership qualities. When we do Surya Namaskar, we are praising and worshipping the Sun, while absorbing it’s energy and powers.

The practice of Yoga, strengthens the physical body and balances the mind, while Astrology breaks down the cosmic influences which shape our destiny. The practice of ‘Surya Namaskar’ works as a bridge between these two ancient sciences, as it helps us tap into the energy of the Sun which is the primary central force in both Yoga and astrology.

The Sun Salutation Poses are a way to express our gratitude to the Sun which heals and cures us. The Sun supplies heat and light energy, which supports all life.

Here are some facts to absorb about the connection between Surya Namaskar, yoga and astrology.

The Significance of the Sun in Yoga and Astrology

Our astrological chart is the map of the sky at the time of our birth, showing the positions of the Sun, Moon and Planets. By understanding our chart we can see how the Sun’s placement affects different areas of our life such as our personal and professional life, our health and also our relationships. If the Sun is weak in our chart, practicing heat enhancing techniques and stimulating the ‘Pingala Nadi’ through Pranayama (different breathing practices) as well as doing the Sun Salutation Exercise regularly can mitigate these effects of a weak Sun.

In both yoga and astrology besides being a symbol of life, energy, power and renewal, the Sun is also associated with creation and spirituality.

In Vedic traditions, the Sun is revered as Surya, the giver of light and the force that sustains all living beings. Traditionally the Sun Salutation is performed early in the morning facing the rising Sun and with a prayer (mantra) in praise of the Sun, recited with each posture. So performing the Surya Namaskar sequence of postures is a devotional tribute to this life-giving force. From an astrological perspective, the Sun represents our soul, identity, and life purpose. It governs our inner strength, creativity, and vitality, influencing how we express ourself in the manifest world.

The Sun, known as ‘Surya’ in Vedic astrology, is one of the nine celestial bodies (Navagrahas) that significantly influence human life. The Sun, which symbolises energy, authority and spiritual illumination, is considered the head of the planetary system. The Suns placement in our birth chart determines key aspects of our personality like confidence, willpower and leadership abilities. A weak Sun can lead to low energy levels, weak health and an under confident nature.

In astrology the Sun is associated with success in personal and professional pursuits. A strong Sun in our birth chart will empower us with the ability to lead, take initiative and overcome hurdles.

The Sun also represents the ‘Soul’ (Atman) in Vedic philosophy. So, to enhance our spiritual evolution as well, we need a strong presence of the Sun in our astrological charts. To facilitate this, we draw the Sun’s energy within us via several yogic practices including the yogic ‘Sun Salutation’ exercise.

The 12 Poses and the Zodiac Signs

Each of the 12 postures of Surya Namaskar correspond to one of the 12 zodiac signs in astrology.

The practice of Surya Namaskar can strengthen the significance of the “Sun’ in a persons birth chart. This will have an impact on ones physical strength, mental health, vitality and confidence.

Astro Yoga For Each Zodiac Sign

Aries is associated with the head, the planet Mars and the Manipura Chakra (Navel Center). The postures to stabilise Aries are Shirshasana/Headstand and ‘Ashtanga Namaskar’ / Salute With Eight Limbs.

Taurus is associated with the neck and jaw, the planet Venus and the Ananta Chakra/ Heart Center. Try doing Matsyasana/ the Fish pose and Pranam asana/ Prayer pose.

Gemini – is associated with the shoulders arms and hands the planet Mercury and the Vishuddhi Chakra / Throat Center. To stabilise this zodiac practice Kakasana/ Crow pose and Adho Mukha Svanasana / Downward Facing Dog Pose.

Cancer is associated with the chest and stomach; with the Moon and with the Ajna Chakra / the Third eye Chakra. For this try doing Navasana/ Boat pose and Ashwa Sanchalanasana / Equestrian pose.

Leo – This Sun sign is connected with the heart and upper back with the Sun, and the Ajna Chakra/ the Third Eye Chakra. For the health of this zodiac practice Urdhva Dhanurasana / The wheel and Ashwa Sanchalanasana / Equestrian Pose.

Virgo- Virgo is associated with the lower belly and the digestive system, the planet Mercury and the Vishuddhi Chakra / the Throat Center. For this Zodiac practice Ardh-Matsyendrasana /The half spinal twist, Hastapadasana / Hand to feet pose and Bhujangasana / Cobra pose.

Libra – Libra is associated with the lower back and upper buttocks region with the planet Venus, and the Anahata Chakra / the Heart Center. To balance this Zodiac practice Virabhadrasana 3/ Proud Warrior 3 and Bhujangasana / Cobra pose and Hastapadasana / Hand to feet pose.

Scorpio – is associated with the reproductive organs and pelvic floor with the planets Pluto and Mars and the Manipura Chakra/ the Navel Center. For aligning this sign, practice the Malayan / Garland pose and the Ashwa sanchalanasana / Equestrian pose.

Sagittarius – is associated with the hips and thighs with the planet Jupiter and the Svadhisthana Chakra / Sacral centre. Try practicing Virabhadrasana 1 and Hasta padasana / Hand to feet pose.

Capricorn – is associated with the knees and skeletal system with the planet Saturn, and the Mooladhara Chakra / Root Center. For stability of this Zodiac, practice Utkatasana / Standing squat and Pranam asana / Standing upright.

Aquarius – is connected with the ankles and circulatory system, with the planets Saturn and Uranus and the Mooladhara Chakra / the Root Center. To balance this Zodiac practice Vrikshasana / tree pose and Adho much svanasana / the Downward facing dog pose.

Pisces – is associated with the feet and lymphatic system, with the planets Jupiter and Neptune and the Svadhisthana Chakra / Sacral Center. For this Zodiac, practice the Baddha konasana / Butterfly pose, Sarvanghasana / Shoulder stand pose and Hastapadasana / Hand to feet pose.

In Conclusion

Astrologically, the sun governs the sign of Leo, but irrespective of our zodiac, if we Regularly Practice Surya Namaskar, we can tap into this life giving energy and connect with our higher self. Would you like to be guided to to do Surya Namaskar with attention to detail? Go ahead and book an Online Live Yoga Session with me at Yoga with Sapna today.

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