Kids are like bundles of energy and the Sun Salutation seems such a good way to channel this exuberant energy. However, how can we tailor Surya Namaskar to hold their attention?
To make this ancient practice fun and meaningful for the very little yogis, say four to eight year olds, we could change the traditional names of the twelve postures in this way:

Pranamasana. Good morning Mr Sun.
Prayer Pose
Hasta Utthanasana I open my chest to the Suns rays
Raised arms Pose
Pada Hastaasana Mr Sun, see I can touch my feet
Hand to feet Pose
Ashwa Sanchalanasana Horse riding pose
Equestrian Pose.
Parvat Asana. I am a mountain
Mountain Pose
Ashtanga Namaskara. I’m ready to leap like a frog
Salute with 8 limbs.
Bhujangasana I am a scary Cobra. I raise my hood.
Adho Mukha Svanasana. Woof woof! I am a dog now
Downward facing dog
Ashwa Sanchalanasana. I am a galloping horse
Equestrian Pose
Padahastasana. I can bend so much, to touch my toes
Hand to feet Pose
Hasta Utthanasana. I show Mr Sun how I stretch back
Raised arms Pose
Pranamasana. I pray to the great mighty Sun
Prayer Pose
Why is Surya Namaskar Perfect for Little Kids?
The curious and creative nature of young kids can help them tap into the rhythm and breathing of the flowing sequence that the Sun Salutation is. Unlike static poses, Surya Namaskar can keep kids engaged, and help them to develop strength, flexibility, and coordination.
Tips for a Smooth Yoga Session
Keep the sessions short. Children lose interest within a snap. So, for younger kids, make sure the practice isn’t longer than 10 to 15 minutes.
Encourage Regular Practice. Integrate Surya Namaskar into their daily routine. If possible, make it a morning ritual, and there will be a time when your kids will wake you up to do Surya Namaskar with them.
Celebrate Progress. Applaud their effort, no matter how small. Praise your kids’ focus and participation, not just their accuracy.
Looking for someone who can help your kids with Surya Namaskar for Beginners? Enrol for sessions at Yoga with Sapna today!
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