The Physical and Mental Health Benefits of Practicing Surya Namaskar Regularly

Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is an integral part of Yoga. If we are familiar with Yoga we surely would know about the Surya Namaskar Practice.

I have been practising and teaching yoga for years, and often I break in new students with this practice. The Sun Salutation is a series of 12 spinal positions, which are then repeated leading with the other leg. These postures are coordinated with deep breathing. The Surya Namaskar can be modified to suit people of different ages and fitness levels.

Traditionally this yoga exercise was done early in the morning facing the rising Sun. It was intentioned to be a way of honouring the Sun God or Surya Dev, the source of vitality and energy, provider of heat and light energy for sustaining life.

Let’s Take a Quick Overview of the Health Benefits of Practising Surya Namaskar Regularly.

Physical Health Benefits

Spinal Flexibility: Moving continuously and alternately between forward and backward bends brings great flexibility to our spine, this vital structural support of our body. Spinal stiffness is a sign of poor physical health and should be definitely avoided. The movements of Sun Salutation are ideal for achieving suppleness of the spine.

Improved Muscle Tone: The asanas in Sun Salutation engage multiple muscle groups and the strong continuous movements help to tone muscles.

Enhanced Cardiovascular Health: If Surya Namaskar is done at a steady quick pace it can elevate heart rate and provide a cardiovascular workout just like aerobic exercises. This boosts heart health, and can help to lower blood pressure for better cardiovascular endurance.

Better Digestion and Detoxification: The dynamic postures of Surya Namaskar stimulate the digestive system. The forward bends squeeze and massage the abdominal organs, aiding in digestion and nutrient absorption and the backbends stretch and condition them. The accompanying deep breathing promotes better oxygenation and elimination of toxins.

Weight Management: For those who want to lose weight, the continuous flow of movements in Surya Namaskar helps burn calories and enhances metabolism. One can do it for a longer stretch of time to achieve results.

Mental Health Benefits

  • * The deep oxygenation due to deep continuous breathing leads to mental clarity and lowered stress levels.
    * The strong work out derived from doing Sun Salutation leads to better mood and enhanced emotional balance.
    * Sun Salutation with awareness on ‘Chakras’ or done with reciting the ‘Mantras’ in praise of the Sun, fosters a sense of steadiness, seriousness, focus and introspection.

The Bottom Line

There’s no denying that Surya Namaskar Yoga can be the ‘go-to’ practice for anyone who wants to improve their overall physical and mental well-being, however to understand the execution and significance of each of the postures it’s a good idea to learn it from a qualified teacher.

To avoid injuries and do Surya Namaskar in a way that can offer one maximum benefits, you could enrol for Online Yoga Classes at Yoga With Sapna, and take that step towards incorporating Surya Namaskar into your regular routine.

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