Periods are certainly not a pleasant time for women and for some, this time of the month is downright agonizing.
Many women experience painful cramps, bloating, mood swings, fatigue and overall discomfort. Women have reported how the pain and discomfort is so overwhelming that even the simplest tasks feel exhausting.
During the lead up to menstruation and then the first couple days of the periods, there is a lot of hormonal fluctuation Best Yoga App in 2025which makes women feel like just crawling into bed and waiting for this torturous time to end.
A huge amount of women resort to pain subduing tablets. Some are fearful of the long term effects of painkillers and so try and bear up with the pain.
What if there was a way to ease this discomfort naturally? Here is where the Best Yoga App in 2025 can become the most beneficial recourse for women.
It has been well researched how the practice of yoga has the ability to relieve menstrual pain, improve mood, and promote relaxation. However, heading to a yoga class while dealing with cramps or fatigue isn’t practical. There is a huge need for a Yoga Fitness App which can be one’s ultimate wellness companion, available anytime, anywhere.
Here is the story of my own life to corroborate this same information. I ran my own Yoga studio for well over twenty years, then during Covid, I took my classes Online. During my thirties, and forties and then in the first few years of my fifties I suffered from severe menstrual pain and discomfort. I was always a believer in avoidance of allopathic medicine as much as possible, because I knew all medication has undesirable side effects. Well, I repeatedly observed that even though I was in great pain just as I stepped in to conduct my yoga class, about thirty to forty minutes into the class, I was free of all discomfort. I always did the full ninety minute long class alongside my students. I realised that the bends, stretches, twists, yogic breathing and relaxation techniques were really working their magic.
Here’s an Explanation of How Yoga Actually Works to Ease Menstrual Discomfort.
Postures for Cramp Relief
Lots of yoga postures focus on the pelvic region, enhancing blood flow to this area. This helps ease muscle tension and pain in this region, which if not attended to, leads to cramps. Menstruating women need slow stretches, deep breathing, and postures that reduce cramping and bloating. Positions like child’s pose, sitting squat, supine twist, and reclining bound angle pose can help relax tense muscles and promote blood circulation while easing pain naturally.
The benefit of Stretching
Yoga postures help to stretch out tense muscles in the lower back, hips and abdominal region. These are the areas usually affected by menstrual cramps. Due to the pain these muscles get further taut and tense. The deep systematic stretching they receive via these postures, relaxes the muscles immensely, pulling out all the tension and discomfort.
The Best Yoga App comes equipped with do-along modules which have guided instructions in a soothing voice, so there’s no need to guess which poses to do, or how long to hold them. Everything is designed to create a seamless, stress-free experience that nurtures our body rather than overworking it.
Breath work to Calm the Mind
Periods don’t just bring physical discomfort they also come with emotional ups and downs. During menses, hormonal fluctuations can lead to irritability, anxiety or even low moods, which is where breath work or pranayama can help. The mindful movements are accompanied with deep breathing which further promotes relaxation.
A well-designed yoga app includes breathing exercises like diaphragmatic breathing, alternate nostril breathing, deep calm breathing, all of which help regulate the nervous system, reduce stress, and bring a sense of peace, even on the most challenging days. These sessions focus on self-care, mindfulness, and emotional release, so practitioners can better navigate the emotional shifts that occur at ‘this time of the month’.
Convenience and Comfort
The beauty of the Best Yoga Fitness App is that it allows practitioners to do yoga in the comfort of their homes. There’s no need to travel to a studio or follow a rigid schedule because wellness can happen anywhere. Whether it’s an energizing morning stretch, a mid-day relaxation break, or a soothing nighttime routine, there’s always an option to fit the moment. Whether it’s Surya Namaskar or some other variations, our Yoga App can guide you through the step-by-step poses and help to enhance overall well-being.
Endorphin Release
Endorphins are hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system. Physical activity, including yoga, stimulate the release of endorphins which are our body’s natural painkillers. They help alleviate pain, lower stress and improve mood.
Relaxation techniques
A strong component of Yoga is Meditation and Yoga Nidra or Guided Relaxation. After one’s yoga workout session, it’s recommended to relax in ‘Shavasana’ or the ‘Dead-Mans-Posture’ This further induces muscle relaxation and allows all the benefits of the practice to settle into the system. During Meditation, focus on the ‘Swadisthana Chakra’ in the region behind the genital organs, helps in increasing energy flow to this area and prompts the process of menstruation to occur smoothly without cramping and blockages.
The only postures which one should avoid during periods is all inversions like Head-stand, Hand-stand and Shoulder-stand. The reason for this is that Inversions or ‘Upside-down postures’, will cause gravity to draw the menstrual blood upwards. We don’t want the waste blood of the periods to move in the wrong direction. We need it to drain out of the body so postures should facilitate a downward release of this blood, hence Inverted postures are to be avoided during menstruation.
The Role Of Diet
Sometimes imbalances in our diet can cause period symptoms to flare up. If one is low on Vitamin B, or Iron, or Vitamin D, or any mineral like magnesium, the body will experience this as feelings of weariness, being unsteady and out of balance symptoms which will further get exacerbated during periods. So, we must eat a good well balanced diet full of a wide range of vegetables, good fats, good nuts, berries, small amount of good multi grain carbohydrates, sufficient water.
Role Played By Supplements
A regular yearly blood-test is necessary to see where we may be deficient. Then, of course we make corrections in our diet to rectify this and we must compliment it with good quality Supplements. This could be for Vitamin B, or Calcium or Vitamin D or Iron and so on. We can introduce these Supplemental pills for a short spell of time of say, three to six months, then test again to check our levels.
Ready to Get Started
A Yoga Workout App can prove immensely helpful to streamline one’s fitness regimen. We’re working hard on our Yoga App, as I write this. Keep checking in at Yoga with Sapna to get to know when we release it. Once you have it, put it to good use and see the difference it can make.
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