Yoga Poses For Stress, Anxiety, And Depression

We have deadlines to meet, a difficult boss to deal with, competition from peers, expectations from family members, and sometimes, broken relationships. It does not come as a surprise that stress levels have increased and people are falling prey to mental health problems like acute anxiety and depression.

It is always good to begin addressing early signs of anxiety and mild depression before it becomes a serious concern. While medication and counselling are important, adding yoga to your daily schedule can do wonders in keeping anxiety and depression away. Yoga postures stimulate our nervous connections and help boost our basic nervous and immune systems.

When we operate out of a strong nervous system we can deal with the challenges that life throws at us, from a place of strength. Having said that, let us do the following yoga poses to ensure sound mental health.

Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

This pose instantly energizes our limbs, reduces fatigue and insomnia and increases blood flow to the brain. So, it leaves us rejuvenated.

How To Do It:

You can also read- Downward Facing Dog: Exploration, Anatomy, and Alignment

Standing Balanced (Samasthithi/Tadasana)

This pose gives us a feeling of connectedness to the Earth, which helps us feel grounded. We learn to stand tall and proud.

How to do it:

Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Balasana brings the spine over the heart. This position offers deep rest to the heart.

How to do it:

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

The cobra pose stretches and stimulates spinal nerves which lead to every part of the body, so the cobra releases built up stress and tension.

How to do it:

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

Bridge pose reduces anxiety, fatigue, and insomnia. It calms your nervous system and relaxes your mind. It also strengthens your spine, hips, and neck.

How to do it:

Stress, anxiety and depression can sap our life force and leave us incapable of going through our daily tasks and routine. Yoga involves the  manipulation of the breath and body and is a natural way to relieve the mind from stress and worry.

These 5 yoga poses are simple and can easily be made a part of your life. Just remember to keep aside 10 minutes from your daily routine to feel more energized and more in control.

We need a strong mind and body to engage with life to the fullest.


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