Yoga and Meditation For Strengthening The Immune System

Yoga and Meditation for strengthening the immune system corrected copyOur immune system is our body’s natural defense mechanism that fights against health hazards. This means that it is a very crucial aspect of our being that is constantly performing the important work of keeping us disease-free.

But we hardly pay attention to this fact. Pollution, junk foods, and stress due to our busy lifestyles can weaken the immune system.

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The practice of yoga and meditation is a great way to regenerate and boost our immune system. Yoga can vitalize the four physiological systems connected to the immune system – the nervous, circulatory, digestive and endocrine systems.

Every yoga posture positively impacts at least one of these four important physiological systems, which in turn positively impact the body’s immunity as well. All yoga practices also help lower stress hormones. Psychological stress also has the capacity to weaken our immunity.

Our immune system has been found to be highly intelligent and responds to positive and negative thoughts.The immune cells respond to a shift in our thoughts, moods, and expectations. This should alert us to be aware of the damage that negative patterns can do to us and prompt us to use every method, every trick to transform them into positive ones. Contemplation and meditation show us the way.

Let’s now examine a few yoga poses and meditation practices that can help bolster our immune system.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

The bow pose is recommended for a healthy digestive system as it increases blood flow to the abdominal organs by putting pressure on the belly. All the nervous connections along the spine are also thoroughly stimulated. All this boosts our overall immunity.

How to do it:

Shoulder Stand Pose (Sarvangasana)

The shoulder stand poses powerfully stimulates the Thyroid gland, the master endocrine gland of the body, situated at the base of the throat. The thyroid controls the overall growth and development of all body systems. If this gland is out of balance we suffer immensely. In Shoulder stand, our chin is tucked into the chest, pressing into this gland and in addition in an inverted position, an abundant amount of blood rushes to this area. All of this acts like a strong medication in keeping this gland functioning optimally.

How to do it:

Now, on to a few meditation practices that are beneficial for the immune system.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation has been known to boost the immune system. There have been studies which suggest that the practice of mindfulness meditation boosts antibodies, that are known to neutralize foreign agents such as virus and bacteria.

It is believed, meditation increases electrical activity in the areas of the brain that act as a command center for the immune system, thus making the immune system more effective. Here are a few ways to practice mindfulness.

Breathing Meditation

Focusing your attention on your breath is the most basic way to cultivate mindfulness.

Body Scan Practice


The body scan practice trains our mind and focus by allowing us to be aware of different regions of the body.

Good health and a peaceful state are interrelated. Make sure to make yoga and meditation a part of your daily life to ensure a healthy and happy existence. Remind yourself to take good care of your immune system and be grateful to your body’s natural defense mechanism which protects you every day from sickness and disease.

To a disease-free and a happier life !


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