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How To Set Up A Yoga Space At Home

Online Classes in New York

Once we are convinced of the holistic well-being yoga provides, we will do everything it takes to eke out a space in our own home where we can get ahead with our practice.

We really don’t need any equipment apart from our yoga mat, however as we progress with our practice we do realise that some props help to make many postures accessible as well as help us to go deeper into many.

As an instructor taking Online Yoga Classes in New York, many students have asked me to guide them in setting up the perfect yoga space at their home. Today, I share with you this same practical information.

Find A Serene Spot

Seek out a clutter-free area that gives one a sense of space. It could be a spare room, a corner of our bedroom or even a spot in our living room with plenty of natural light. Ensure the space is well-ventilated and has enough room for you to stretch and move freely without the obstruction of furniture and the danger of colliding into something.

Clear The Space

Further cleanse this space, removing everything unnecessary till it gives the feel of a serene environment. To add a natural feel and improve the air quality place a few indoor plants in the vicinity.

Invest In Quality Yoga Gear

Good quality yoga gear, such as a non-skid yoga mat with a good grip, can elevate our experience greatly. A high quality mat provides the stability necessary to perform asanas with precision. It doesn’t have to be overly expensive, but it should be functional and fulfil our requirements.

Set The Ambiance

To derive the full benefits from a yoga session we must operate out of a calm mind. Creating a relaxing space with soft lighting will help us focus. One can play soothing music or nature sounds in the background to maintain that feeling of being centred and balanced.

Personalise One’s Space

Our yoga space should feel like our sacred spot, so adding personal touches that inspire and motivate can be uplifting. This could be a meaningful artwork, the image of a personal deity, a bowl of fresh flowers and so on. However remember not to overdo this, as, keeping the space tidy is imperative for retaining a sense of peace every time we step here.

Place for Props

This can be organised later. See if we can utilise a small corner where we stack away the small yoga props which we will start wanting as we progress in our practice. Maybe a shelf in a cupboard close by or a large basket or container to store away our yoga belt, blocks, cushion, bolster, dumbbells, eyeshades, blanket. The one big item would be our yoga chair. However the chair is foldable, so it can be stashed away neatly against a wall or behind a doorway somewhere close.


Creating a yoga space is about creating this haven within our home where we unwind, relax and exercise. Students taking Online Yoga Classes in Texas please take note as well.

Join me. Enrol at ‘Yoga With Sapna’ to lead a life of unrivalled mental and physical wellness.

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