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Hasta Mudras’ for Balanced Energy Flow

We have all experienced that feeling of energy depletion. This could follow an illness, or a stressful period at work or in our personal life.

We definitely feel a lack of energy when we are exhausted, sad, overworked or lacking sleep.

Then there are such times when we simply can’t put our finger on what the reason for this de-energised state could be.

Yoga explains us that at these low energy periods, the ‘Pranic’ level of our being is experiencing energy blockages. So the flow of ‘Pranic’ energy is sluggish.

One effective yogic cure for this is to realign our body’s vital forces using simple hand gestures, also known as ‘Hasta Mudras
The knowledge of ‘Mudras’ comes to us from ancient yogic science. These hand positions have been worked out by ancient yogis, to channel, enhance and balance the flow of energy throughout the body.

What are Hasta Mudras?

Hasta Mudras are symbolic hand gestures in which our fingers and thumbs are arranged in different positions to affect the flow of panic energy within, for the purpose of healing and curing.

Humans are composed of the five elements of nature Earth/Prithvi, Water/Jal, Fire/Agni, Air/Vayu and Ether or Space/Akaash. Our fingers and thumbs represent these five elements the Thumb represents Fire, the Index finger represents Air, the Middle finger represents Ether, the Ring finger represents Earth and the Little finger represents Water.

When we join the tip of any finger to the tip of the thumb, it increases that element within us and if we bring the tip of any finger to the base of the thumb, it decreases that element within us.

In Yoga, health is viewed as a state where all these elements exist in balance within us. And conversely disease or ill health signifies that the five elements within us have slipped out of a state of balance. Mudras have been devised to redirect ‘pranic’ flow within us to restore that state of internal balance.

Besides, our hands have nerve endings that are directly connected to the brain and various organs. Holding a mudra for just a few minutes a day can have powerful effects. The pressure exerted by the fingers stimulates energy points, activating a specific flow of prana to different parts of the body, which helps rebalance elements and helps calm the mind, bolster immunity, and even alleviate chronic ailments.

Key Hasta Mudras for Energizing the Body

Gyan Mudra (Gesture of Knowledge): A foundational mudra, Gyan Mudra is created by touching the tip of the thumb (fire) with the tip of the index finger (air) while keeping the other fingers straight. Hands resting on legs with palms facing down. This gesture enhances concentration, focus and improves memory. Chin Mudra (Gesture of Consciousness) is formed the same way, only difference being that the palms are facing up.

Prana Mudra (Gesture of Life): Prana Mudra involves touching the tips of the little finger (water) and ring finger (earth) to the thumb tip (fire) and keeping the other two fingers straight. This mudra induces revitalization, stimulating the body’s energy reserves, encouraging a strong flow of healing life energy or Pranic energy. If one is feeling sluggish, this mudra can reignite our vitality.

Apan Mudra (Gesture of Digestion): Formed by touching the tips of the middle (ether) and ring (earth) fingers, to the thumb tip (fire), and keeping the other two fingers stretched out straight, Apan Mudra helps detoxify the body. Known as the “mudra of purification,” it is particularly beneficial for digestive health and releasing toxins.

Vayu Mudra (Gesture of Air): Vayu Mudra is performed by folding the index finger (air) to the base of the thumb (fire) and curling and pressing the thumb down on the Index finger, while keeping the other fingers extended. This gesture alleviates joint pain, anxiety, and nervousness by balancing the air element in the body. A practical Mudra for calming mind and body.

To understand the use of Hasta Mudras along with relevant yoga asanas for different body ailments, do join us for a session at Yoga with Sapna today.

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